Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Strength Starts at the Roots

A Writing from Booklet

The two sides of the book begin to awaken
and come together and join images in the middle,
greeting each other having never met,
yet undeniably having a connection.
As I viewed my finished booklet I read it,
as if the depth of War and Peace, yet no more than 15 words.
It spoke to me and showed a journey from beginning to end,
from the roots, the foundation to the roots, to the foundation.

I see a spiritual journey that lifts me up from the earth
and from the sweet smell of the flowers.
I journey and make connections along the way,
find love and friendship
and receive the most beautiful gift of father hood.
There is a message to be positive until the next venture
and until home, where it is like nothing I have seen before.
I journey through the glowing green of the Maple,
the fields of grass and rise up as I go and love the earth as I do.
Awaken to see the strength that starts at the roots
and they sing a lifelong song of imagery and acceptance
of all that was and will be.
The fog covered maple in middle where the front meets the back
can be interpreted with fright or beauty.
Draped in a blanket of haze and sodden
I move past the towering figure as it reaches out in every direction.
It talks to me in a composition of wind and rustling branches “live your best life,”
it states…and I am clear of every word.
I see the longest and most defined extremity of the tree
reaching and lifting up to the bird,
who sits peacefully looking towards the future, towards the lifeline.
It meets the clock ticking on towards the next breakthrough.
Up and up and up away from the little village at the base.
From this summit I can see the savior and I feel at home here as it is like nothing on earth.

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